

Roast Coffee Bean

  Roasting is a very important step in the coffee process and if done well,it will differentiate a certain branded coffee bean from another.Roasting transforms the chemicals and physical properties of the green coffee beans into the faimilar brown color you see in cafes.You can take a coffee bean from the same origin and vary the roasting step to produce a completely different taste some baristas roast coffee beans in their own homes or shops but most of the roasting is done in factories owned by the company because of the cast to operate and maintain such huge machinery.The following roasts are generalizations and so ultimately it is important to judge the coffee bean with your own eyes and scent!

Types of Roasts

Below is a picture of a typical roasting machine.The two most popular types of roasting machines are drum and hot-air.Drum roasting machines use a horizontal roating drum to tumble the green coffee beans in a heated environment.Hot-air roasting machines force heated air through a screen or plate continues to tumble and circulate heat to the beans

Light/Blonde Roast

Roasted very little,these beans will produce an acidic,bitter,highly caffeinated coffee.Only found in North America.

House/Medium/American Roast
Roasted a moderate amount most coffee shops in America will use this type of roast for their drip coffee

Dark Roast

Darker roasrs have less caffeine than lighter roasts.Since there is less caffeine this roast is less bitter and acidic.This is the lightest roast used for espresso.

French Roast

Darker than a dark roast,there beans are very dark brown and oily.It is very easy to burn coffee with this type of roast.


This is the darkesr roast,typically used only for espresso.


Unroasted(Green) coffee beans are stored in sack or barrels and can be stored safely for months.However,after roasting they are more susceptible to losing their flavor and oils,It is generally believed that grinded coffee stays fresh for about two weeks.The best way to preserve the quality of the coffee beans is to buy whole beans and keep them whole as long as possible and grind them just before brewing.

